50 Most Influential Advisers Australia 2024 Finalists – FS Power 50

by | Sep 2, 2024 | Announcements

Andrew Debono and myself have been shortlisted from 15,000 advisers in the country to the final 114 shortlisted nominees.

We do our absolute best for our clients, peers and community. It is great to have the industry recognition.

Now that judges have chosen finalists it becomes a voting system.

We would really appreciate your support. It will take 30 seconds of your time.

All that is needed:

  1. Click this link https://www.financialstandard.com.au/fspower50#subscriptions
  • Add your ‘First Name,’ ‘Last Name,’ ‘Company/Employer Name,’ ‘Position,’ and your ‘WORK email address’ then SUBMIT.

(They do not always accept votes from personal @gmail or @hotmail or @live accounts unfortunately – if that is your only option, we would still appreciate the vote as it will still likely count this is just understanding from experience)

It is done in alphabetical order of surname.

I have to also congratulate our extended colleagues Anthony Poole & Gavin Glozier who in their respective advice businesses give their clients 100% and help the industry as a whole.

Kristian Zuza

About the author: Kristian Zuza

About the author: Kristian Zuza

Partner & Financial Adviser

Bachelor of Business; Accounting
Bachelor of Business; Small Business Management & Accounting
Diploma of Financial Planning
Director of Non-Profit ‘Response For Life Australia Ltd’

About the author: Andrew Debono

About the author: Andrew Debono

Financial Adviser, Founder & Managing Director

Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Applied Finance
Diploma of Financial Planning
Adv Diploma of Financial Planning

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